
Deadliest Insects in the World!

Below we have listed the first 5 of 10 deadliest insects in the world, watch our blog because we will release the next 5 soon!

10.     Locust – Surprised? Even though locusts don’t directly kill humans, they do cause starvation leading to the death of millions!

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Deadliest Insects in the World – Part 2!

This is the second part to our ‘deadliest insects in the world’ article. These are the top 5!

5.     Fleas – A flea’s spends most of its life looking for a place to call home, where food is available to them, their diet is like that of a vampire – YOUR BLOOD! You will find these pests pretty much everywhere; reptiles, mammals, domestic animals, and humans. Read more

DIY Pest Control – Bad or Good?

At PestServe we understand that temptation to cut costs by trying to rid of any pests yourself. Or maybe you have used a professional pest control company before but you didn’t get what you paid for (they robbed you!) These days it’s easy to just walk into a shop and buy one of the chemical products straight off a shelf which might cost a fifth of the price to hire a pest control company. So you ask, why not do it yourself?

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BBQ Bee Control

So it’s august and maybe the weather isn’t brilliant but you might be able to squeeze in a BBQ this weekend! Do you know who else likes a good BBQ? Yep those stinging little pests; bees and wasps! As the summer wears on, their populations grow making them more eager to find something yummy to feed their expanding colony.

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Keep Pigeons Away!

Rats of the sky

Pigeons for some time have been branded ‘the rats of the sky’ which is of course a fitting name when you consider just how big a pest they are! So, let’s start with the obvious, pigeons carry diseases and parasites (we all ready remember bird flu right?) putting peoples life’s in danger. Read more

Professional Pest Control Works

It is completely understandable that you don’t know everything about the pests that infest your home, but at PestServe, it’s our business to know! – we deal with different pest issues day in, day out. No pest is too big or too small! You may think an ant is tiny but in a group can cause havoc in your home and pests as large as rabbits and moles are no saints either, they will leave you without a garden if needs be!

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Ants – Little Pests!

Ants are very interesting creatures to watch, as they busily run about their business on your driveway or even in your kitchen. But is it okay to have them in your home? NO it is not- unless of course you love ants and they are safely tucked into an ant farm. Why don’t you want to have ants in your home or even on your property? Here are some helpful tips from PestServe on why you should prevent ants in your kitchen!

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Rats & Mice – What Attracts Them?

They Know Where They Are Going!

Rodents are not easy going travelling pests and do not “go where the wind takes them.” There is always a plan as to where they travel – and it’s usually for the food and shelter in houses. Certain environments and layouts of a property make it easier for a rat or mouse to invade, which makes your home more appealing to rodents and venerable to infestation.

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